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The Lord showed me a vision of what looked like umbilical cords attached to the hearts of His people. Just like a baby in a womb, this cord was flowing LIFE GIVING BLOOD into His people and it was coming directly from the heart of heaven.

DEMONIC CORDS Then He showed me other cords that were also attached to people as they walked the earth. These cords were directly coming from the pits of darkness and the enemy was using them as their "in" to have a stronghold over the lives of people. These cords were attached to all different parts of their bodies and some were completely camouflaged into people's surroundings.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” EPH 6:12 NIV

The cords were coming from peoples eyes, ears, mouth, head, back, feet, hands.... Depending on the sin and actions in their life - either seen, heard, spoken or thought, or even places they had been too and things they had done, that had given the enemy a demonic stronghold and cord into their lives.

FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION I could see that some of these cords were also attached and running through multiple people. Then I saw a new born baby appear on the earth and as it appeared, it had the cord of life attached to it... but it also had a cord coming from its mouth. I looked at the Lord as to ask, "how is that possible? that is a new born baby"! I could sense the Lord was NOT PLEASED at what we saw. He spoke to me and pointed out that these were demonic generational cords that have run from generation to generation that carry strongholds and curses over the lives of His people.

As I looked at the cords running and connecting in and through so many people, it looked like a huge tangled web. The words "oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" came to my mind. The Lord nodded and I could feel the ache in His heart. Then a HEAT started to INCREASE as He saw the ones He loved, bound by these demonic cords. I could see a burning fire starting to run through His veins. The love and compassion He had for His people was increasing till He looked like a raging fire.

ANGELS OF THE GENERATIONS He then lifted His hand and called for the Angels of the Generations to come. These were the angles who witnessed the time and places that these curses and strongholds took hold and He was sending them to SEVER the CORD at the ROOT.

These Angels were given different weapons and each weapon also came with with a whole army of angles ready to do battle. I knew that some of these angles were about to be sent into some very dark and dangerous territory. The heat and burning that was coming from the Lord was IGNITING each one of them with a FIRE and their WEAPONS were BLAZING with GREAT POWER and AUTHORITY.

I AM SETTING YOU FREE Then I heard the Lord say "I AM SEVERING GENERATIONAL CURSES OVER YOUR LIFE. I am RELEASING My Angels to CUT and SEVER these cords of every mental, physical, emotional and spiritual curse and stronghold that have been placed upon your life and the lives of your families. I AM SETTING YOU FREE ! You will NO LONGER be bound by these cords of darkness and I will not stop till EVERY cord is cut and every stronghold is severed." As He said these words, I could see the cords of darkness being severed and people were being set free. "Today you are no longer a slave to the enemy, you are no longer prisoners to the powers and cords of darkness! YOU ARE MINE and I nailed those curses to the Tree for you! MY LIFE GIVING BLOOD and SPIRIT is being poured out upon you and through you. So RECEIVE ME and all I have for you" declares the Lord.

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.”” Romans 8:14-15 NIV


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© 2024 Helen Cobanov 

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